How To Get Facebook Profile ID

Well today in this tutorial i am going to tell you , how to get your
profile ID of facebook , well i know your first question is why do i know my user profile Id, well for normal users it is not necessary to know your profile id , but ofcourse today facebook has launched many social plugins , so as to make these plugins work on your sites it is necessary to know your profile Id...........
Its very simple just go to

Replace “USERNAME” with your Facebook user/profile name.
For example :-
will gave the result

"id": "100002096660106",
"name": "Nk Armaani",
"first_name": "Nk",
"last_name": "Armaani",
"link": ""
"username": "nk.armaani",
"gender": "male",
"locale": "en_US",

Cheerrrzzzz........ Guyzzzz!!!!!!

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